Fluoride Toxicity in Bulb Crops
Growing with tap water? Does is contain fluoride?
Some plants are sensitive to fluoride exposure. Tulips are among the most affected. And since it’s tulip forcing season and so many people are growing indoors in their homes, we wanted to take some time to share an important warning and some tips for prevention of fluoride poisoning.
In tulips, symptoms of fluoride poisoning include:
reduced root development
inhibited overall growth
leaf discoloration
inhibited photosynthesis
necrosis (spots)
poor flower development
flower wilt
flower bud drop
In short—it’s pretty darn serious! And if you’ve invested significant time, energy, and money in your tulip program, its wise to make sure you aren’t poisoning them with every feed.
Protect your tulip crop by testing your water supply for fluoride. Remember, an “acceptable” amount of fluoride for human consumption is NOT acceptable for tulips (and some other plants, too).
Use non-fluoridated well water when cultivating tulips, if possible.
Consider treating fluoridated water with calcium. Calcium can lock up fluoride and make is less available to plants. Consult an expert to learn more.
Install a reverse osmosis filtration system. (home systems cost about $200-$400).
Other plants to look out for:
Lilies, gladiolus, gerbera, and freesia are all sensitive to fluoride exposure. The same symptoms can be observed in these plants when they experience fluoride poisoning. The same preventative steps should be taken.